The annual mega event of Kannada Sahitya Parishat, also known as Hubballi the Akhila Bharatha Kannada Sahitya Sammelana, is an event organized by the Parishat, but which the royal family has kept as an autonomous body run by Kannada writers and activists in recent years. The Parishat has a budget limit of Rs. 1 crore, and the district administration is responsible for transferring funds to the Parishat's account, but in practice the administration sends the funds directly to the district's DC's account. Two years ago, when some KSP office bearers objected to this, it was decided to open a joint account for the Parishat and the district administration. However, this violates the bylaws of the Parishat, and when some KSP office bearers objected again two years later, it was decided to follow the bylaws, but this has not been done yet.